for Gazprom

Project Description
«Gazprom trade union» — an application for members of trade union organizations that are part of the «Gazprom trade union»
Create a convenient application for Gazprom employees with a news section, communication options and event creation
A product was developed with the ability to quickly receive news from a large trade union family of gas workers, learn about labor protection news and much more
Home screen and onboarding

User Flow
User Flow — is a visual representation of the sequence of actions that a user performs to achieve their goal. He helped to determine the ways to achieve the goals of users, based on the choice helped to calculate the positive and negative scenarios of potential users.

Profile and registration

A multifunctional and easy-to-use application was developed for the convenience of members of trade union organizations that are part of Gazprom Trade Union. The application implements the ability to quickly receive news from a large trade union family of gas workers, learn about labor protection news, and also receive reviews of current changes in federal legislation. Application users can use the preference search service with geolocation and feedback. Registration is designed with minimal cost and effort in mind, making the application as comfortable as possible for users of all ages.
Other screens