application «Gunsmith»

Project Description
Project Description
«Gunsmith» — an application for owners and lovers of weapons with the ability to discuss existing laws on weapons and promote their legislative initiatives
Create a user-friendly application for shooters and hunters with up-to-date news for owners and amateurs and the possibility of discussing them
A product was developed with the ability to promote user initiatives and the ability for users to earn points, as well as receive up-to-date news on the topic
Home screen and onboarding

User Flow
User Flow — is a visual representation of the sequence of actions that a user performs to achieve their goal. He helped to determine the ways to achieve the goals of users, based on the choice helped to calculate the positive and negative scenarios of potential users.

Profile and registration

A feature rich and easy to use application has been developed for shooters and hunters and other gun enthusiasts with news, the ability to discuss existing gun laws and promote their legislative initiatives. The application gives users the opportunity to earn points for their activities in the application and exchange them for bonuses. Users have the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people, use public chats, and create their own groups. A useful feature is the "Tests" tab where you can go through training and marathons to obtain a weapon license. The Gunsmith app is all the events of the gun world in your smartphone.
Other screens