Telegram bot «TEAMTEAM»

Project task
Create a convenient Telegram bot for the TeamTeam basketball club, which will help simplify the routine processes of managing a sports team, such as: prompt notification of participants about upcoming events, personal mailing lists, club news notifications for all users, training and game calendar, creation, rotation, management of teams of different levels of training (Major League, Youth League, etc.).

What can a bot do?
- Registering users in the application using a phone number
- Formation of teams and their compositions of different levels of training: major league, youth league, etc.
- Managing the roles of team members: coach, player
- Notification of teams and individual players about planned events (trainings and games)
- Feedback from users: each player can respond to the notification and confirm their presence
- Creation of a personal account with a special set of solutions and tools for each of the user roles
- Management of the system of subscriptions (membership fees) from players and / or teams

Coach's personal account:
- Formation of command staff of different levels of training
- Sports team management: distribution of players by squads, specifying the user's role
- Subscription management (membership fees) with the ability to control the amount and pay the fee
- Create and send universal notices to members
- Formation of the schedule of events: trainings and games with a request for the status of the player (I will not come)

Player's personal account:
- Team registration
- Information about assigning to a specific composition
- Schedule of games and trainings, with a feedback form
- Access to information about the status of the subscription, the possibility of making a membership fee
- Notifications about important events in the life of the team

Other benefits
The Telegram bot of the TeamTeam basketball club is based on the idea of team management and horizontal communication. The user can himself collect game compositions from registered players and, subsequently, manage them. All the work of the bot is aimed at simplifying the interaction between club members and increasing their involvement.