application «Up»

Project Description
Project Description
«Up» — is an application for communication between like-minded people, members and supporters of the United Russia party
Create an application to promote intra-party promotion of active participants and support initiatives
A product was developed with a transparent system of rating activity of members, party teams and supporters of the Party
Home screen and onboarding

User Flow
User Flow — is a visual representation of the sequence of actions that a user performs to achieve their goal. He helped to determine the ways to achieve the goals of users, based on the choice helped to calculate the positive and negative scenarios of potential users.

Profile and registration

An easy-to-use application was developed to facilitate the intra-party promotion of active members and supporters of the Party and support their initiatives, based on a transparent system for recording the contribution of each participant to the common cause. The application best implements the functionality of forming a transparent rating system for party teams (primary branches, local branches, regional branches). Also implemented is the possibility of intra-party promotion of the leaders of the rating, providing them with additional opportunities for growth and development. The application has the ability to join the work of party teams or create your own.
Other screens